This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
Many of my friends and readers know that I teach at the University of Phoenix. I do this mainly for the money because I am not a fan of the programs. The information is extremely basic and the degree is completely watered down.
However, going to school online is the wave of the future. It is just too easy to go to school online for the idea to just go away. Instead, many colleges and universities are looking at how they can take the idea of going to school online and make it better, make it actually work.
The University of Southern California is just such a school. As a leader in teaching the next generation of educators, it is only natural that they would take a step in utilising this new education tool. There are many benefits to going to school online (flexible class schedule, accelerated degree programs, less cost), but USC is going the extra mile by increasing the tuition reimbursement programs, highly interactive classes, and a chance to gain real-world experience in your own community. The best part is that since USC is a real school, no one has to know you earned your degree online like they would if you went to a school like University of Phoenix. You can find all the
program information here.
Plus, when you graduate, you get to wear an awesome hat!